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TIRULEQUE is born in 2002 in A Coruña thanks to the musical restlessness of five guys, all of them coming from a traditional music background. 


While keeping an eye on traditional Galician folk (taken from song books or just passed on) Tiruleque also lets itself to be influenced without boundaries. Even though they try to avoid being tagged, they feel that "Galician Music" identifies them the best, without limiting their creative capacity, TIRULEQUE aims to achieve their own sound and style, identifiable while performing traditional tunes and while playing their own compositions (which they definitely prefer).


TIRULEQUE performs with instruments that are closely linked to traditional Galician music, but these are played in a different and unique way. By reinterpreting tradition in a certain manner, TIRULEQUE believes in musical intuition to arrange traditional melodies and embraces the power of its instruments going beyond with the use of its tonalities and modes. 


TIRULEQUE has toured throughout Galicia and Spain, setting high standards with their live performances in well-known festivals such as Festival do Mundo Celta de Ortigueira, Pardiñas, Intercéltico do Morrazo or Beltaine-Avilés Intercélticu, among others. In addition, they have taken part in the 41º and 49º Festival Interceltique Lorient, representing Galicia. Furthermore, they have shared the stage with prestigious artists such as Milladoiro, Xosé Manuel Budiño, Susana Seivane, Uxía, Treixadura, Xabier Díaz, Tanxugueiras or Kepa Junkera, among others.

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In April 2022 TIRULEQUE publish their fourth album "Tiruleque, 20 anos no camiño", in February 2018 their third album titled "Outro que tal baila", in September 2013 their second album under the title "Mu!!" and in September 2009 they debut with his first self-titled CD, which were self-produced.

Management: La Yogurtera SL. +34 606 044 298 /

Copyleft 2021 TIRULEQUE. Webmaster / Administrator: Luis G. Corral

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